
The mission of the Probation Department is the enforcement of the Order of Probation, which entails a variety of conditions or requirements that the Judge has specifically ordered for an offender to complete or comply with. Probation Officers seek to accomplish this by working with the offender in referring them to appropriate agencies to receive counseling, assistance or support. The goal is to provide the person with opportunities for behavioral change and hold them accountable for making changes that are needed in their attitude, behavior or lifestyle.

Probation Officers also conduct pre-sentence investigations, alcohol and drug tests, and hold regular supervision meetings with each probationer to ensure that they are being held accountable. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of probation results in a hearing in front of the Judge at which time other penalties, including jail time, may be imposed.

Note: Mail should be sent to the Court, Attention Probation Department. Please include your name and case number on any correspondence. 

Positive Probation Experience

Committing to working with your Probation Officer will decrease the chances of find yourself in violation of your probation. Read more to learn helpful suggestions to a positive probation experience.

Policy for Reporting to Probation

There are several policy points on reporting to Probation.

Fines + Costs

Read more about payment of fines and costs associated with the outcome of you case.

Information Changes

It is your responsibility to keep your Probation Officer informed (within 48 hours) of any changes in your informaition.

Drug Testing

Anyone placed on probation may be required to not use, possess or consume alcohol and/or illicit drugs. In addition you may be required to submit to random preliminary breath tests to detect alcohol in your body and/or an urinalysis for use of illicit drugs or alcohol.

Leaving the State

Know the rules if you are planning to leave the State of Michigan...

Programs and Treatment

Part of your Probation program will be to attend and successfully complete any counseling, education or treatment programs that are specified by your Order of Probation.

Community Service

If you have been ordered to complete community service work as part of your probation conditions then you will be referred by your Probation Officer to the Community Service Coordinator.

Related Sites

See many related sites that will provide helpful information.