Aerial & Drone Programs

Click here to view our current aerial map for 2024!

Aerial Treatment

Our airplane treatment happens once a year usually in April. It is to treat the standing water in woodlots throughout the county from snow melt and spring rainfall.

We treat some Midland County flooded woodlots via our aerial program using Vectobac 12AS liquid and Vectobac G granular Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis). The material used in this program is a naturally-occurring soil bacterium that is toxic to mosquitoes and related biting flies, but nontoxic for humans, pets, and all other life forms. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheets and material labels (below) for additional information regarding aerial materials.

Vectobac 12AS (Label)

Vectobac 12AS (Safety Data Sheet)

Vectobac G (Label)

Vectobac G (Safety Data Sheet)

crop duster


Beginning in 2023, drone operations began at MCMC to treat standing water with granule material in fields or wooded areas. There is also a smaller scout drone used locate mosquito habitat and direct where to treat.

Treated with

flying drone


Carl Doud

Dr. Carl Doud, Director

Midland County Mosquito Control

2180 N Meridian Rd

Sanford, MI 48657

Phone: (989) 832-8677

Hours: Mon-Fri (8 am - 5 pm)

Have a Question? Reach Out