Pinecrest History
Learn more about the origins of Pinecrest Farms

Social welfare was not a major concern for the pioneer inhabitants of Midland County. At the time of the legal organization, in 1855, the area's population barely exceeded 200 people, most of whom were involved in early lumber activities. Other early settlers homesteaded, self-sufficient farms, and their material needs were limited to those items which were produced by their own abilities, whether it was food, clothing or shelter. The area's forests initially attracted the attention of many lumber industry speculators and workers.
By 1860 Midland County's population had grown to almost 800 people; by the end of the Civil War, in 1865, the county population exceeded 1,300 people. Unfortunately, as the County's population steadily grew, the ability to provide for one's own needs became a hardship for a small percentage of residents. Initially, neighbors helped their less fortunate counterparts during times of need or disaster, but it was soon evident that other special welfare programs were necessary.
Practically every county in Michigan supported a "poor farm" for its indigent and helpless citizens, and Midland was no exception. In 1865, the Midland County Board of Supervisors allotted $2,000 for the purchase of Samuel P. Chapman's farm to be used as a poor farm for the county's "poor and unfortunate”. The farm consisted of 80 acres (of which 50 were cultivated) a nine room farmhouse, a large barn, and several outbuildings. During the first year of operation, the County Poor Farm supported seven people including several orphans, various elderly people, and a Civil War veteran who was both mentally and physically handicapped by his military service. During the next 20 years, the Poor Farm was enlarged as needed. Additional acreage was purchased which was then farmed by its inmates as a contribution to their support.
An 1884 Midland County History included a description of the County Poor Farm. “The paupers are treated with consideration and kindness, and all who are able to work render material aid in helping about the farm and buildings. They are plentifully supplied with common farm food, such as meat, vegetables, bread, butter, syrup, milk, etc. They are provided with good stout woolen goods for winter, and cotton for summer. A county physician is employed for the treatment of the sick, and besides having the personal care of the overseer and matron. For the insane and idiotic there are six properly furnished cells, and inducements are laid out to get them to perform light labor.
The children are sent to a district school about 90 rods distant. The house is surrounded by a farm of 130 acres of good land, 80 acres of which is under cultivation. A number of fruit trees have just been set out, and in due time will produce a good supply of fruit. The overseer was William Babcock, who with his competent and amiable wife, managed the farm in the most successful manner, and their cares of, and kindness to, those placed in their charge cannot be too highly commended. The average yearly amount expended by the county for the support of the poor is $3,125. The farm, with buildings, livestock, farm implements and all other property is estimated to be worth $9,500. At present there are 15 inmates - seven females and eight males."
By the early years of the 20th century, the Midland County Poor Farm was in need of new facilities. After nearly 40 years of use, the original structure was in dire need of repair. The limited space was sorely crowded by the increased number of inmates. In 1900, plans were announced to construct a new efficient County Poor Farm near the existing facilities, located on Gordonville Road. However, construction was delayed for several years due to county finances. Construction finally began in 1914, and took 18 months to complete. A local newspaper described Midland's now County Poor Farm as "A handsome two-story brick structure constructed with an abundance of windows, thus allowing proper ventilation for its residents. County citizens can be justly proud of their generosity toward the less fortunate”.
By 1920, the Midland County Poor Farm was home to almost 40 residents from a wide variety of backgrounds. By the 1940s, the County Poor Farm's operations had developed into a hospital-like facility, providing convalescent care for the elderly. Its role dramatically changed, in accordance to the local community’s needs. During the early 1960s, the Midland County Poor Farm location was purchased by Consumers Power Company for the construction of their Nuclear Power Plant facility. Midland County replaced the former county farm with the pleasant facility known as "Pinecrest," located on West Olson Road.