Wixom Lake Improvement Board

All meetings in 2023 are scheduled for 6:00 p.m.at the Billings Township Hall, 1050 Estey Rd., Beaverton, MI

The Wixom Lake Improvement Board was formed in January 2001 after resolutions requesting its formation were passed by Billings Township in Gladwin County and by Hope and Edenville Townships in Midland County. The portion of Tobacco Township east of M-30 joined the Board in the fall of 2001. Click HERE for a comprehensive history of the WLIB. 

Board Members
Term Expires
Gladwin County Drain Commissioner
Terry Walters
Midland County Drain Commissioner
Joseph Sova
Midland County Commissioner
Jeanette Snyder
Tobacco Township Representative
Don Zakett
Billings Township Representative
Carol Ayers
Edenville Township Representative
Ray Drumright
Hope Township Representative
Robert Kelley
Larry Woodard
Gladwin County Commissioner
Tami O'Donnell
Minutes, Agendas and Videos
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